Coaxing Creativity
Any of us who work in the creative arts know that we have to continually feed our well of creativity, we need time to rest and...

Romanticizing Your Life With the Harp.
Hello my dear faithful readers! Today I am here to talk to you about Romanticizing your life and making the harp part of your dream life...
The Bookstack of Inspiration
In My Bookstack Sharing the books that spark my creative mind Every month or so I collect a pile of books from our ever increasing book...

Blogging again.
It has been awhile since I have worked on my website. I hope, dear readers that you have patience with me as I grow and develop my sense...

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Wasn't 2018 a hoot? Mine was full of change on all levels. Why, getting married and moving is enough for anyone! Now...

Life is a Game of Pooh Sticks
Life is just like a game of Pooh Sticks. You find your bridge, carefully select your stick and toss it into the water. After that you...

New Beginnings
Hello Readers, It is a new season here at Bell Heather and Raven. I took the summer and got married! But now at the end of August the...

Good Morning Squash Blossom
It is a wonderful May morning here at Thistledown Cottage. The sun is shining and a sweet breeze is rustling the trees and bamboo. It...

Avocado and Turmeric, plus a Dulcimer Case.
Squash Blossom here, I hope you all will be hearing more from me in the future! I have ventured into the world of dying fabric with...
Website Construction
I eagerly await my new strings. I have to replace that one that is making me crazy! Readers of my blog may have noticed that things are...